Whoopi Goldberg reveals who will inherit her $60 million fortune
|In recent years we have seen a trend among celebrities that many of us have praised; big names pledging to leave their children without any money once they die.
Whoopi Goldberg is just the latest celebrity to make headlines for revealing what they plan to do with their fortune, but unlike other celebrities, Goldberg plans to keep her money in the family.
The View host recently shared what she planned to do with her reported $60 million fortune.
“One of the great answers is children learn by what they see,” the 68-year-old explained. “My mother worked her behind off and so that’s why I feel the way I feel and I’m leaving my kid everything that I have.”
Goldberg plans to leave “everything” to her daughter Alexandrea Martin, 50, whom she shares with her first husband Alvin Martin.

For many, leaving our children with some sort of inheritance is the clear choice, but lately celebrities have voiced their opinion about doing the complete opposite.
“The children don’t need $500 million to live well. Come on,” Mick Jagger said when asked if he would pass on any of the money he could potentially make from selling The Rolling Stones music catalog.
Similarly, Gordon Ramsay remarked he didn’t plan on helping any of his children, though he and his wife did agree they would put down a 25 percent deposit on an apartment, but nothing more.
If you have the means, do you plan on leaving any money for your children? Let us know your decision in the comments.
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